I'm sure we all need to realize that the needs of sleep a day is to take something that is important in maintaining energy and stamina. On the other hand, modern lifestyles make us superdinamis dense and often sacrifice our sleep. In fact, getting enough sleep is important not only for endurance and energy, but also physical health, mental health, and weight and shape of our bodies. In this section, I will discuss three benefits of sleep on mental and physiological health of our body.
Benefits of sleep # 1 - Prevent Depression
In our brain, there is a link called Serotonin helps to feel happy, peaceful and happy. If the concentration thereof is reduced, it will tend to be depressed. What is serotonin and sleep?
When you sleep, especially in the dark, the body produces the hormone melatonin. These hormones have a major impact on the levels of serotonin in the brain. So no wonder, if we sleep less tend to sink our moods.
Benefits of sleep 2 - Reduce the risk of cancer
Not only prevents depression, the hormone melatonin is also generated when the sleep "antioxidant". That is, it is capable of radicals in the body bind to the primary growth of cancer cells penyebabn release.
The December 2005 issue of Cancer Research includes studies that prove that melatonin is able to suppress the division of cancer cells and tumor growth. It's as simple as preventing melatonin cancer.
Benefits of sleep # 3 - Reduce the risk of osteoporosis
Melatonin, which in turn produces only when sleeping in the dark, also has a strong influence on hard tissue such as bone. The ability of melatonin in the maintenance of bone health has been widely documented in several studies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences and the Journal of Pineal Research shows that lack of melatonin in the body, which can lead to osteoporosis extended.
Benefits of sleep# 4 - helps weight and body shape
Not only is the production of melatonin, acting sleep and detoxification and balance other hormones such as growth hormone in the body. If we do not have enough sleep, the process of detoxification of the body is disrupted. Finally, the body becomes toxic. What happens when the body is toxic? Accumulation of fat is to burn fat easier and more difficult. Furthermore, the metabolism of growth hormone is very important in the process. So if the concentration decreases, your metabolism will decrease. Low metabolism increases the tendency to gain weight and inhibit fat burning.
Benefits of sleep # 5 sleep - helps your appetite
Sleep is not only important, but also maintaining balance in the concentration of cortisol in the growth hormone in the body. However, unlike the growth hormone is directly related to sleep, cortisol is inversely related to sleep. So when we lack sleep, concentration hormone cortisol increases. What happens when a high concentration of this hormone in the body? The direct effect of this hormone increases appetite, especially for food, sweet sweets is a chain reaction in the body that leads to a decrease of the hormone cortisol trigger. But we know what can be done by sugary foods.
Consumption of excessive food, especially sugary foods, fat accumulation, which makes it more difficult to achieve the ideal weight and shape our conduct
Therefore, do not underestimate sleep. Try to get enough sleep to get each day for optimal health and ideal weight and design.
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