Treat Eyes Minus

In addition to the impaired Eye Diseases Plus there is also the name of eye disease or other name minus, oflow vision and myopia is one of the diseases of the eye.A who have eyes minus cannot see objects from a distance. While the nearby objects can be seen clearly.To be able to see clearly in the distance, the sufferer's eyes minus have to use eye glasses berlensa concave.Minus the eye can be caused by the muscles around the eyes to work harder in observing an object with close proximity. For that, I need to know some activities that can prevent our eyes from eye diseasesminus.

Preventive Measures Eye Minus

If you love to read books, do these activities with the correct sitting position and adjust to the bright roomlighting. Avoid reading while you lay down and lesslighting.

If often do Office work or task in front of the computer, setting the lighting screen monitor with brightness level is just right, not too bright, because it will causetired eyes. Make it a habit to always rest the eyemuscles every 20-30 minutes by looking at some of the objects around us.

Position the correct viewing distance and as recommended by when watching TV. The mostrecommended viewing distance is 5 x the size oftelevision screens.

Set up and the House with the Setup relief. Put each object within far enough so that the eye can also contract normally.

Eat nutritious foods, especially vegetables and fruitsthat contain Vitamin A, betakaroten billberry extract, avocado, and so on.

Have eyes minus, for some people considered normaldue to the menggangap it is not a disease that can be cured. Moreover, currently wearing eyewear is afashion trend with a variety of framenya that was funny and interesting. In addition, the existence of a "contact lenses" make eye disease sufferers will be the opportunity to forget the minus his eyes are healthyagain. However, there are some patients who wished to recover and freed from dependence on glasses andwanted to treat the eye Minusnya.

Treat eyes minus can be performed with an eye muscleexercises can make the eyeball to be perfectly round.The eye has eye condition minus the easiest to be cured naturally equipped with proper nutrition. In addition, there are several other medical means to betried with good results, such as laser eye surgery(LASIK, Lasek, PRK BANCOO, etc) or corrective lensimplantation surgery. There is also the eye exercisescan reduce eye strain and may slow the progression ofincreasing eye minus.

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