If you are one of the people with asthma or perhaps you or someone else is experiencing an asthma attack, so from now on, you should immediately Controlling Asthma Attack effectively. The problem is, if you underestimate, once these conditions can be fatal and even cause death.
Asthma occurs due to narrowing of the airways that is caused by a narrowing of both naturally for some reason or because of inflammation. Asthma attack has several levels, namely low, moderate, and severe. Sebaiknnya, if at the beginning we've been sentenced to suffer from asthma, then we should be able to be careful with the condition of "lives" we.
Then, how do Controlling Asthma Attack so as not to interfere with our activities. First, we must know what we could have asthma causes, such as heredity or because of certain food allergies / cold. When the cause of asthma we are due to heredity, it is, like it or not and like it or not, we have to ask the doctor to give a drug that can prevent or at least help asthma airways do not constrict when we are already feeling the disorder.
However, if the cause is due to specific food allergies or cold, of course we should avoid foods cause asthma or are not too frequent direct contact with the cold. And if they do we have to be in the cold, we had to wear thick clothes, bring balm, and the like. Besides these ways, how else to you Controlling Asthma Attack effectively. Secondly, people with asthma usually also susceptible to fatigue and dust. Two things that could spur recurrence of asthma.
Excessive activity of course, require oxygen for combustion. The intake of oxygen into the body becomes not smooth due to respiratory disorders or is not normal. That's why, excessive activity can also spur asthma. When we feel an asthma attack, it is better when it is also our first stop all our activities.
Asthma is a disease that must be wary of. Take control of your asthma or your life effectively controlled asthma.
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